Dahlias are really hard workers in the garden. These beauties have been blooming since early fall. They survived the extremely wet winter we had here. I really thought they were going to rot and die very fast. The rains and winds did brake some of their branches and some of the plants got a fungus on their leaves. I just pruned the parts that were infected in late January, I believe, and in a couple of weeks they bounced back and started to bloom beautifully. I’m not sure if they will go to rest some day because they are growing new shoots from the roots.
I do not fertilize them too often but they are growing in a very nice soil with excellent drainage and a lot of organic matter. Sometimes I give them some bunny poop and some compost and when I remember I give them a little bit of liquid 20-20-20 or a 15-50-5. And now I spray them with kelp foliar fertilizer when I fertilize my roses.
They have really impressed me. I do want to get more. I saw a beautiful dark red and white one on eBay some weeks ago. I hope they still have it.