
Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Mighty Kelp

Yesterday, my liquid kelp extract arrived and I wetted all of my plants with it. According to what I read Kelp extract provides natural plant hormones and micronutrients to the plants. These compounds are known to accelerate growth, increase flowering and fruiting, intensify color, and provide resistance to disease, insects, drought, and frost.
These are some other benefits:
  • Improves seed germination and increases root development. 
  • Increases bloom set and size of flowers and fruit. 
  • Increases and stabilizes chlorophyll in plants, which results in darker green leaves and increased sugar content in plants. 
  • Relieves stress in plants caused by extreme weather conditions. 
  • Increases plant vigor, and thus imparts a greater resistance to disease, insect attack, drought, and frost. 
  • Increases microorganisms in the soil that can fix nitrogen from the air. 
  • Increases mineral uptake from the soil and into the plant. 
  • Increases the storage life of fruits and vegetables by retarding the loss of protein, chlorophyll, and RNA. 
  • Retards the aging process in plants (senescence), thereby lengthening the production season. 
  • Many of the trace minerals contained in seaweed have important regulatory functions when applied to land plants, and in the animals and humans that consume the plants.

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