
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Daylily Rust

Last season was a dream… I had not a single problem. No bugs, no fungus….. But I haven’t been so lucky this season. All of my evening primroses had a fly beetle infestation and then fly beetle caterpillars … But that was very easy. When the organic insecticide soap didn’t work I just grabbed a bucket and pruned almost  all of my evening primroses to the ground…. and problem solved. The organic insecticide soap worked very well on my crape myrtle though. 
But now … daylily rust! Awful thing. I was hoping for the best.. Well, a couple of days ago I saw the orange “dust” on the leaves and I instantly knew it was daylily rust…. A couple of days later it was a serious problem. Yesterday, I had to do this to all of my daylilies… So sad, but that’s the only option as far as I know. I didn’t apply fungicide because I didn’t have any. I will do that soon, probably tomorrow. 
They will regrow very fast. 

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